DevFests are community-led developer events hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) around the globe. GDGs are focused on community building and learning about Google’s technologies.
DevFests may cover multiple products such as Android, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, Google Assistant, Flutter, machine learning with TensorFlow, and mobile web. Events may include speaker sessions, hackathons, codelabs, study jams, and trainings with speakers from Google, Google Developers Experts, Women Techmaker Ambassadors and speakers from other companies.
What happens at DevFest?
DevFests are events where we come together to learn from each other.
The motive is to create a local ecosystem of Developers and give them a platform to Interact and Network. We talk about various cutting-edge technologies.
Are you passionate about Technology and its impact to society? Do you want to share with the community, knowledge on any of the above products or those not above?
We welcome all ... a day of learning, problem solving and connecting with the community.